Monday, May 16, 2011

May 15, 2011: Helloooooooo Vung Tau!

Today was probably one of the best, if not the best, day of the trip. We travelled down to the docks in District 1 and boarded a Hydrofoil to Vung Tau, a coastal region that lies along the South China Sea.  It is for-sure the most beautiful urban area I have ever seen, as it is perched right along beside the azure waters of the South China Sea. We boarded a bus and stopped at many attractions along the way to the beach, including a Buddhist Temple, a Catholic site complete with enormous statues of the virgin Mary holding baby Jesus, and my favorite, the largest and highest standing statue of Jesus Christ in the entire world. When they proclaim this is perched high up, they are grossly under-describing; it took at least 25-30 minutes in order to ascend up thousands of steps and a 500 meter long path stretching up the mountainside, but the view at the top was well worth it. After that we ate lunch and then gallivanted on the beach for the rest of the day. I can safely say that I am mildly sunburnt, and that it is quite alright.  c:

*Photo Credit-Tom Bush

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